Concerts 2002

001 – June 29, 2002 – Crvena Zvezda Party, Jaunpils, Latvia
*** – August 28, 2002 – Faith and Devotion Party, Gunaspirts, Jelgava, Latvia
002 – October 18, 2002 – DM Breathing in Fumes Party, Jelgava, Latvia
*** – November 8, 2002 – “Jaunākie Jēri” Concert, Jelgava, Latvia
003 – December 21, 2002 – Black Horse’s Farewell Night, Freda Kambari, Jelgava, Latvia


001 – June 29, 2002 – Crvena Zvezda Party, “Apsaujas”, Jaunpils, Latvia

The first STandART concert ever. The open air event took place near the Apsaujas lake. To provide more entertainment, many weird formations performed: choir Dzintars, Budēļi, Kantrī Banda, Militarna Baznica WTOPM, rapper Liepa (all of these performers were the same people in different clothes and on different instruments. One of the most memorable was the performance of Koiras (Jyväskylä, Finland). They arrived in a boat across the lake at midnight, walked out of the bushes holding an oar and performed all dressed in fur.

STandART (named Marta Ausma) used self-directed videos during their performance. One half of the vocals were done by Kalvis, the other half – by his ‘cousin’ Anita Wh**e. A tradition was started to throw money on stage during the song The Great Absolution. At this event, the band used the name of their self-directed (2001) movie Marta Ausma for the live performance and STandART was considered to be the whole event organizing team, which was also written on the posters. Afterwards, the decision was made to do everything under the same name.

Besides Kalvis, the first lineup consisted of Kaspars “Kņazs” Stāmers (synthesizer), Ģirts Vizbulis (guitar), Valdis Šteinhards (trumpet), Linda “Zars” Karčevska (flute), Dj Momentz (samples). For the first and only time to date, a fan was jumping in the first row holding an oar in his hand during the concert. When the performance was over, the rain was over as well, but the listeners were frozen. However, Kņazs was ready to perform Tālbraucēja Šofera Sapnis (Fernfahrertraum) once again., although his condition made everyone doubt it could turn out enjoyable. When Kņazs announced the song in the microphone, the audience screamed in despair: “No! Please, no! Enough!” 🙂 The video recording of this event has been preserved.

After the live performances, the records of Depeche Mode, The Cure, De/Vision and Jumprava were played. The crowd could watch the recently released Depeche Mode DVD – One Night In Paris. The event most probably will remembered because of the weather – rain all day, terrible freeze at night.

01 Lauks, Kurā Es Nomiru (STandART later used the name for a completely different track – “The Field Where I Died”)
02 Ze Amols (the early “The Wonderful Fair”)
03 Kykywka (Kino cover – in Russian)
04 Lielās Atlaides (The Great Absolution)
05 Ausmas Dziesma
05 Bišu kāpt (feat. Ludmila)
06 Pelēkais Ritms
07 Gliemezis (feat. Ludmila & Līva Nasteviča)
08 Tālbraucēja Šofera Sapnis (Fernfahrertaum)
09 Apčakarētājs / Mīlestības Dziesma
10 Būtībā Man Vienalga (the early “Seven Times”)

Photo Gallery


*** – August 28, 2002 – Faith and Devotion Party, Gunaspirts, Jelgava, Latvia

No live performances. This was more a picnic – discotheque in the garden with Depeche Mode audio and video works by Dj Momentz and Dj Black Horse. A knowledge contest was held, in Elīna Kondrāte won the young Līva Nasteviča in the final. The audience was responsive; the weather was wonderful. Girls helped to distribute the food, which everyone had brought, and soon after the event they formed their own team/union Vāveres (Squirrels).


002 – October 18, 2002 – DM Breathing in Fumes Party, Freda Kambari, Jelgava, Latvia

The event with audios and videos by Depeche Mode and STandART took place in a big house, where people hadn’t yet moved in; thus, the place was pretty cold.  The kitchen served as the stage. The audience could watch everything from the big room. Attendance: 39 people. Even the names and surnames are listed 🙂 and the youngest guest was only a month young girl Marta Elza.

In one of the rooms, an exhibition of photos by Dāvis Bojārs was set up. The musical part of the event was opened by a duo Aivis and Maruta from a little village called Spriksteles. They performed a heart-breaking song Would you dance, ib…?. The Finnish band Koiras followed and were warmly received. Finally, STandART went on the stage. Marta Ausma was used as the name of the band for the last time and STandART were again only the event organizers. For the last time, Anita Wh**e appeared in STandART lineup. For the first time, there were two synthesizers on the stage (Kalvis, Kņazs), bass guitar (Jānis Indriks) and drums (Silvestrs Kluburs). During the second half of the night, Dj Momentz and Dj Black Horse enterteined the audience with recordings by Depeche Mode, De/Vision, Camouflage etc. The night was very cold; nevertheless, there are also pleasant memories, such us the tales and sagas told by one of the members of the ‘Finnish’ band  Koiras. A video recording from the event has been preserved.

01 Intro (synthesizer sounds which sounded like airplane)
02 Ze Amols (the early “Gadatirgus” (The Wonderful Fair))
03 Ausmas Dziesma
04 The Bottom Line (Depeche Mode cover)
05 Lielās Atlaides (The Great Absolution)
05 Laidies (Instrumental)
06 Būtībā Man Vienalga (the early “Seven Times”)
07 Tālbraucēja Šofera Sapnis (Fernfahrertaum)
08 Tora! Tora! Tora! (Depeche Mode cover)
09 Mans Svētums (My Holiness)

Photo Gallery


*** – November 8, 2002 – “Jaunākie Jēri” Concert, Jelgava, Latvia

The concert of the most popular catholic youth group at that moment gathered around 400 people from all Latvia. The concert was organized by STandART and members of the catholic youth band.


003 – December 21, 2002 – Black Horse’s Farewell Night, Freda Kambari, Jelgava, Latvia

The intention was to organize a small event for the closest friends, but it turned out as one of the best events of all time. Attendance: 27 people. In collaboration with the Culture Administration of the Empire of Zemgale, the event took place in a joinery Freda Kambari. It was very warm inside, and the various machines created a special atmosphere. The Black Horse is a mythologic being in the community of STandART. And after all, it was 2002, the year of the Black Horse, coming to its end. Thus, the Black Horse invited everyone for a little winter celebration.

To celebrate the fact
That we’ve seen the back
Of another black…

A tiny Christmas tree had also been brought into the joinery. Every once in a while mysterious balloons appeared in the air. The guests had a chance to play chess, while standing at a high table. A big wooden head of the Black Horse with little green Christmas lights around it was placed near the chess table for inspiration.

The invitations to this event were in black and very hard to fake. They were delivered to the guests in black envelopes, as secretly as possible. Every guest had to bring some food with them, mostly oat biscuits, and also an art work of any kind depicting the Black Horse. These horses  were exposed on the working machines with numbers on them, and the visitors could vote for the best art work. Inspite of the different cheating attempts and illegal changing with numbers, the true winner was finally found – Valdis Šteinhards.

The event was opened by the best STandART performance to that moment. Besides thete vocals (Kalvis), synthesizer (Kņazs), samples (Dj Momentz), drums (Silvestrs), guitar (Jānis Indriks), there was a founding member of the duo Skrīveri Modris Matisāns present in the lineup on guitar and bass. Valdis Šteinhards (trumpet) and his sister Evija Šteinharde (violin) also participated in several songs. A ‘blind’ man was distributing bread in the audience.

The guests were later invited at the table, and this time catering system, guided by the family of Jānis and Dace and the Squirrels, was perfect.  While eating, the visitors could watch a strange performance. An unusual table was placed in the middle of the hall, and an old Russian TV set was brought in. Then different manipulations with it followed. And then the TV set was carried away. Actually, the idea was to show a self-made video about horses in the winter time, but the attempts to connect the video recorder to this old TV set failed. (This video footage with horses in winter can now be seen in Pioneers video (2010)). After the meal, a three-meters long black horse made of paper was brought into the room. The guests could leave their wishes for the Black Horse on the paper.

Several interesting performances followed, the project Stories Of Old being one of the most interesting. It was based on two simultaneous readings from two different books at the same time in a depressed voice, even more depressive bass and violin. Later, tragic woman vocals joined in. The language of the reading was then changed from Latvian to English, German, French, Russian, Serbian, Polish, Latgalian, until the performance was finally interrupted by stormy applause. The next guest was Bioslav Maukalainen from the Finnish band Koiras. With a help of an impolite translator, Bioslav told the audience about his trip to Japan and groups for studying Finnish in Latvia and Finland. He introduced to the audience his strange friend from Džūkste – Pura Vells (the swamp devil – in old Latvian, also known as Mr Pure Wells). They both performed a mysterious song and disappeared.

The guests were able to give testimonies at the microphone about the presence of the Black Horse i their lives. At this and several other moments, a strange and apparently mentally ill person, dressed in a mask and strange clothes, tried to create chaos screaming that he is the Black Camel, and a big trouble, called the Black Shit, is coming. Every time he was thrown out by the security men. In a very small room with brick walls, a spontaneous film was show, which shows the Black Camel breaking into the Bob Marley Evening and driving everybody insane. Thanks to Laura Zvilna for shoting all this event on video.

We were doubtful about The Murkiest Dance contest. Luckily, 3 pairs decided to participate at the last moment. Every pair had to dance their own performance according to what they consider to be the murkiest dance. In conclusion, there was a dance for all the pairs at the same time. The dances were accompanied by depressive pieces of music, which the participants did not know in advance, for example, Depeche ModePimpf, Black Day etc. The song of the final dance as KraftwerkThe Robots. The jury awarded Kņazs and Ieva Čemodānos with the 1st prize. They were so depressive that they both conflicted with each other even outside the dancefloor. And it seemed, they do not really care about the contest.

The night passed very quickly with all these totally improvised performances. The last activity at 4-5 am was an acoustic concert by Kalvis and Modris playing songs of Depeche Mode, Bob Marley, Red Hot Chili Peppers etc., including a song Hailed Be The Black Horse in Latin. Modris had planned to go by foot to Prague straight after the event, but decided to stay in Jelgava for a day longer.


01 Intro (Emigration)
02 Ausmas Dziesma
03 Mans Svētums (My Holiness)
04 Lielās Atlaides (The Great Absolution)
05 Laidies
06 Condemnation (Depeche Mode cover)
07 Ze Amols (the early “The Wonderful Fair”)
08 Būtībā Man Vienalga (the early “Seven Times”)
09 Tālbraucēja Šofera Sapnis (Fernfahrertraum)
10 Pāvi (“Peacocks” – one of the early STandART songs)
11 Mīlestības Dziesma
12 Kykywka (Kino cover – in Russian)
13 Condemnation (Depeche Mode cover)

MODRIS & KALVIS (acoustic)

01 Dream On (Depeche Mode cover)
02 The Bottom Line (Depeche Mode cover)
03 My Friends (Red Hot Chili Peppers cover)
04 Personal Jesus (Depeche Mode cover)
05 Never Let Me Down Again (Depeche Mode cover) (?)
06 Ze Amols (the early “The Wonderful Fair”)
07 Apčakarētājs
08 Gliemezis
09 Būtībā Man Vienalga (the early “Seven Times”)
10 Ave Equus Negrus
11 Bišu kāpt
12 No Woman No Cry (Bob Marley cover)

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