Šajā sadaļā ir atrodami sekojošu dziesmu teksti:
AUSMA’S SONG (angliskais tulkojums)
FOX NIGHT (angliskais tulkojums)
Visu dziesmu tekstu un tulkojumu autors – Kalvis Kluburs, izņemot:
“Sådana djur som vi” – Kalvis Kluburs / Peter Lindstedt / Alise Timermane.
I spend my days wearing and giving smiles
Weapons in my hands, and a white and hearty smile
The fire never sleeps under the purple sky
What a lovely way to kill our time
Our worlds lie in debris, I’ll wreathe
A barbed wire hence around myself
Neither anyone in the world will reach me
Nor will be taken away from me
“Don’t you know, you – silly horse, things will be all right”
Your weary eyes tell me with a ghost of a smile
“Last night I climbed up the beanstalk to the stars and then
Composed a fairy-tale of them with a happy and endless end”
You pretend that you’re asleep
So I couldn’t see your tears
But I can see clearly through your lies
As through the dress you glow inside
I need nothing in this world right now
But a white and hearty smile
Take me in your arms tonight
And make me lose my mind
Animals of our kind
Do not feed from the hand
They run like the wind through life
Head over heels and against the wall
Moving on weary feet
Rushing in search till they bleed
What they probably don’t even feel
They usually do not feel that
You dream of our glorious fur
Shining around your shoulders
For each fallen we’ll pay back twofold
We have a perfect memory
In need, we can claw and maul
We’re gonna hunt down the hunters
We can smell by a mile
An animal of our kind
A puzzled cat is striding clumsy
Across the yard with quivering paws
And from above him, down the lantern post
Are falling ragged sea-gull caws
Open-mouthed, with staring eyes
Surprised spectators of enchanting scenes
Who face what’s never seen… before
Now, you as well, have a look above the trees
Leave the roofs of the houses out of sight
Millions of snowflakes are rushing towards you
That’s how some distant places say “hi”
We slowly seem to rise up in the air
Leaving all worries beneath our feet
A majestic horde of rousing fanfares
Accompanies us from far
Open-mouthed, with staring eyes
Surprised spectators of enchanting scenes
The first to face what’s never seen… before
We’re gliding among countless comets and stars
Marses and venuses, suns and moons
A blizzard of stardust that makes your face
Glisten with the cosmic dew
This is the first snow
Snowflakes slide and collide, they dance till they die
The breath-taking meaning of the Universe
Is treasured in short, beautiful whiles
You take my hand gently and I feel your warmth
I see your hair full of little stars
The breath-taking meaning of the Universe
Is treasured in short, beautiful whiles
Tu slēpies, kamēr laiks vēl paslēpties
Vēl mirklis, un manas kājas Tevi meklēt ies
Vēl plaukstas manas acīm gulšņāt liek
Bet ausis Tevi jūt
Viens(i), divi, trīs, un meklēt eju es
Kaut iznākums jau skaidrs abiem mums
Bez maldiem un bez minstināšanās
Pie Tevis sirds aiz rokas velk
Tev kājas trīc, kā motors elsas skan
Tu zini, Tavi slēpņi visi zināmi man sen
Kā divas lāpas acis manas spīd
Šai pustumsā
Tiklīdz uz Tavu pusi veros es
Tev sirds no krūtīm cenšas izrauties
Un asin’s mutuļo kā kalnu strauts
Kurš gan vēl spēj Tevi tā satraukt
Nu, re, Tu esi atrasts kā vienmēr
Celies vien augšā, ko Tu tupi vēl
Skauj mani ciešāk nekā vispār var
Un nekad nelaid vaļā vairs
Tu esi vienīgais, kas manu prātu jauc
Aizvien no jauna šo spēli atsākt sauc
Tu slēpies, kamēr laiks vēl paslēpties
Es vēlos Tevi..
Meklēt iet..
Cik spēcīgs mans augums
Skaists spalvainais
Un ļaunums man ir
Pats ļaunākais..
“Ausmas Dziesmas” teksta angliskais tulkojums, kas atrodams arī albuma vāciņā. Pati dziesma angliski nav tikusi ierakstīta.
Now go and hide, while you still have time to hide
An instant, and my legs will go and look for you
The palms of my hands still make my eyes sleep
But the ears do feel you
One and two and three, and I am after you
Though the result is already clear to both of us
Without delusion and hesitation
My heart leads me by the hand to you
Your heavy breath sounds like a motor, your legs shake,
You know that I’m familiar for long with all your waits
My flamboyant eyes will throw off your disguise
In this half-light
As I take a glance at you, your heart tries to break out
I am going to surround you soon into a dizzy cloud
Your blood is swirling like gushing mountain streams
Who else can put you into flutter like this?
And now as always I’ve detected you
Now come out, why are you still trying to hide?
Embrace me tightly, more than possible at all
And never let me go
You are the only one who leaves my mind in a mess
Calling to start this game anew
Now go and hide, while you still have time to hide
I want you…
One more time
How powerful is my figure
Furry beautiful
And the evil I have
Is the very evilest
I’ve been wandering for years looking for the right pose
I’ve loved and I’ve detested searching for the right pose
Wrapped myself in a cuddle and tied in a knot
Got myself entangled crosswise and dot by dot
I’ve challenged my flexibility
Tried out different states and activities
I’ve challenged my flexibility
Discovered my hidden abilities
Let’s lie down as 61
Feel the comfort and feel the fun
Lie down with me as 61
The end of all your yearnings has come
Someone comes along one fine day
A wee coincidence on your way
See the world around you start to change
Hope it’s the end of the darkest days
In warmth the spark of life awakes
Laughter flows in peaceful waves
We’re reborn by meeting them
We grow each time by losing them
Just for a season they are here
And suddenly they disappear
They fall out with you, walk away or die
Their work is done, they’ve made you alive
You can’t shackle someone to yourself
Be proud to have met, have no regrets
Season people inspire and fade
For someone each of us might wear this name
Hey, hey, it’s time now
It’s time to take a dare
I’m the voices in your head
But you’re the living dead
Hey, hurry up, it’s time now
It’s time to make things change
I’m the fever in your brain
It’s time to get engaged
Opportunities of a lifetime
Like tiny grains of sand
Are slipping through your fingers
Are waiting for commands
We’re running out of time now
But still you hesitate
I’m the throbbing in your veins
And still you suffocate
You suffocate…
This state feels so familiar
When delayed decisions fade
I’m the itching of your tongue
You’re trying to swallow in vain
It’s time to scatter the silence
It’s time to raise your voice
I’m the defiance in your fists
I’m the risks you try to avoid
You’ve quenched your feelings tightly
Locked them deep inside your shell
I’m the bleeding of your heart
Die Flut, so schmerzlich grell
The everlasting slowing of the clouds
Is audible in how her voice vibrates
Impatience grows for the moment when the gets apple-green
It’s when she quivers tenderly with excitement
He can hear the flowers bloom
Her lips spill colours; he’s sinking in their charm
He can’t see the birds flying above, yet he knows them by heart
They differ well by the goose bumps on her arms
Her childish rapture and her curiosity revives
A sensory refreshing heat-lightning taking by surprise
A tickling feeling gets intense, the fortress inside him cracks
The past is dead and gone, now the empire strikes back
June is throwing lilac bombs on us
Intoxicating injuries of lust
The summer crawls out from the entrenchment and assaults
We’re deep inside the most saturated world
She’s the light of his eye…
She’s the light of his eye when the summer explodes
His blindness when her swollen breast raises her clothes
Her golden curls, her burning lips gulp down the night
Her lithe body is clasped tight
She’s the air operating his lungs already for so long
A gentle breeze in his hair, the finest touch of the tongue
A kaleidoscope for the visually impaired
The sweetest salvation for the ones considered dead
A new day breaks and reveals so much to do
She’s sleeping still in his arms, but the dawn will open her eye-lids soon
They both know this June might be the first and the last
Absorb, absorb, the blossoms and the beetles, and the birds, and the bees
June is throwing lilac bombs on us
Intoxicating injuries of lust
The summer crawls out from the entrenchment and assaults
We’re deep inside the most saturated world
She’s the light of his eye…
Gentle and stubborn hands
Embrace us lustfully while we sleep
Spreading like a cancer
Pipelines crawl into our dreams
Pumping in the rhythm of the sea
Pumping in the rhythm of the greed
Pumping in the rhythm of the disease
Pumping in the rhythm of the sea
Pumping in the rhythm of the greed
Pumping in the rhythm of…
Dirty hands and greedy eyes
Obscured souls and rapacious minds
Pendulous bellies and disco lights
Wake up, anger. You sleep in slime
Lightly descending autumn news
Is whirling away in a dance
Conveying ominous signals
Throwing raindrops in my face
Hoar frost covers my stubbled chin
Tiny needles prick the tip of my nose
I prepare myself for sleep
I’m winterized
Lightly descending autumn news
Is tapping over the top of the leaves
Over the moorland and the blueberry fields
Are falling most safely kept dreams
Lightly descending autumn news
Has buried my hatchet in a leaf-mould heap
The battle is lost; I’m supposed to give in
To the drizzling rain and the freezing wind
Lifting me up, and dashing me down
Throwing me through uncountable branches
Tossing through thousands of leaves lying on the ground
I’ve got the greatest reward, being carried right past me
All that’s left is just an odour of loss
I’m forced to sleep in my rustling arbour
In pillows of moss, silently rotting off
Lifting me up, and dashing me down
Throwing me through uncountable branches
Tossing through thousands of leaves lying on the ground
The autumn consolidates its positions
Blowing away the warmest thoughts in skeins
We get old fast, what if instead of restarting
We’d try once reaching the very end
I’ve got the greatest reward, being carried right past me
All that’s left is just an odour of loss
I’m forced to sleep in my rustling arbour
In pillows of moss, until defiance returns
The autumn consolidates its positions
Blowing away the warmest thoughts in skeins
We get old fast, what if instead of restarting
We’d try once reaching the very end
Zvaigznes atspīd debesīs
Mēness mirdz kā zeltains siers
Arī Tev, mans mazais zvērs,
Laiks ir gulēt iet
Nejoņo tā, mazais
Par laiku nevar ātrāk skriet
Atstāj vakardienai to,
Kas Tavu sirdi spiež
Sasegšu ar kļavu lapām
Pieglaudīšu klāt
Lai sapņu aitas rāmi nāk
Un Tevi ieaijā
Rīt būs atkal jauna diena
Bez bēdu pļavās diet
Skandināt pār kalniem smieklus
Ķert varavīksni ciet
Lapsu nakts, mans zvērs
Tevi sargā pūces acs
Pat ja atnāks cilvēks
Drīz vien nožēlos to pats
Lēnām laidies miegā
Trūkst jau Tevis man mazliet
Tu vien klusi ņurdot
Sapnī aitām pakaļ skrien
Dziesmas “Lapsu Nakts” angliskais tulkojums, kas atrodams arī albuma vāciņā. Pati dziesma angliski nav tikusi ierakstīta.
The stars are shining forth in the sky
The moon is glistening like a golden cheese
For you as well, my little animal,
It’s time to go to sleep
Don’t rush so, my little one
You can’t run faster than time
Leave it for yesterday
What weighs upon your heart
I’ll tuck you into maple leaves
And clasp you tight to me
Let the sheep of dreams come tamed
And lulls you to sleep
Tomorrow there will be a new day again
To dance in meadows with no woe
To ring laughter over mountains
To catch the rainbow by its end
Fox night, my animal
The owl’s eye is watching over you
Even if the human comes
He will regret it soon himself
You are slowly drowning in sleep
And I already miss you a little bit
You’re only quietly snarling
Chasing around the sheep in dreams
(latviskā versija dziesmai “Animals of Our Kind”)
Tādi zvēri kā mēs
Nekad nebarosies no rokas
Tie auļo caur dzīvi kā vējš
Skrienot ar galvu sienā
Meklējot nemiera trauksmē
Kājas, noberztas asinīs
Tie droši vien to nemaz nejūt
Tie parasti nemēdz to just
Tu sapņo par spalvu kā mums
Rotājam Tavu kaklu
Par ik kritušo paņemsim divkārt
Mums ir lieliska atmiņa
Mēs varam plosīt un plēst
Medniekus miltos saberzt
Mēs jau iztālēm jūtam
Tādus zvērus kā mēs
(zviedriskā versija dziesmai “Animals of Our Kind” / “Tādi Zvēri Kā Mēs”)
Sådana djur som vi
Ska man inte mata från handen
Dom springer som vind genom livet
hals över huvud, in i väggen
Rör sej på trötta fötter
Söker rusande tills dom blöder
Som dom troligen aldrig känner
Det känner dom vanligtvis inte
Du drömmer om vår gyllene päls
Skinande på dina axlar
Vi tar tillbaka dubbelt för varje fallen
Vårat minne sviker oss aldrig
Vid behov, klöser och slår vi
Jägarna kommer att slaktas
Vi känner lukten på avstånd
Sådana djur som vi
(latviskā versija dziesmai “Autumn News”)
Viegli nolaižas rudens vēstis
Un aizvirpuļo dejā prom
Atnesot ļaunas zīmes
Sejā lietuslāses iesviežot
Manus bārdas rugājus pārklāj sarma
Sīkas adatiņas degungalā dur
Es gatavojos miegam
Kļūstu ieziemots
Viegli nolaižas rudens vēstis
Pakšķinot klusi pār rūsganām lapām
Pār mellenāju un viršiem
Visrūpīgāk glabātie sapņi krīt
Viegli nolaižas rudens vēstis
Un zem sevis manu kara cirvi slēpj
Kauja ir galā, mani rokas paceļam gaida
Smidzinošs lietus un saldējošs vējš
Ceļot mani augšup un triecot pret zemi
Metot caur tūkstošiem kailu zaru
Svaidot pa neskaitāmām lapu kaudzēm cik spēj
Man ir vislielākā balva aiznesta garām
Viss, kas šeit atlicis, ir trūdu smārds
Čaukstošā lapenē dzen mani uz ziemu
Sūnu spilvenos līdz atgūsies spīts
Ceļot mani augšup un triecot uz leju
Metot caur tūkstošiem kailu zaru
Svaidot pa neskaitāmām lapu kaudzēm cik spēj
Aizpūšot kāšos domas, kas silda
Rudens nostiprinās te uz ilgu
Mēs novecojam ātri, kā būtu reiz
Nevis no jauna sākt, bet iet līdz galam un beigt
Man ir vislielākā balva aiznesta garām
Viss, kas šeit atlicis, ir trūdu smārds
Čaukstošā lapenē dzen mani uz ziemu
Sūnu spilvenos līdz atgūsies spīts
Aizpūšot kāšos domas, kas silda
Rudens nostiprinās te uz ilgu
Mēs novecojam ātri, kā būtu reiz
Nevis no jauna sākt, bet iet līdz galam un beigt
(latviskā versija dziesmai “Pioneers”)
Kāds apjucis kaķis neveikli brien
Pār pagalmu, trīcošām ķepām
Un augstāk, laternas galā
Pār viņu izspūrusi kaija kliedz
Mutēm vaļā, acīm lielām
Burvju ainu dalībnieki
Tie redz, kas agrāk redzēts nav
Vēl nav
Nu arī Tu paveries virs kokiem
Atstāj māju jumtus ārpus redzesloka
Sniegpārslu rindas pretī Tev steidz
Tā tālas vietas Tevi sveic
Šķiet, mēs lēni ceļamies gaisā
Visas raizes paliek zem mums
Un mums pievienojas no tālēm
Majestātisks fanfaru pulks
Mutēm vaļā, acīm lielām
Burvju ainu dalībnieki
Tie redz, kas agrāk redzēts nav
Tā mēs planējam starp komētām un zvaigznēm
Marsiem, venērām, mēnešiem un saulēm,
Un zvaigžņu putekļu vētras
Ar kosmosa rasu Tavu seju klāj
Tas ir pirmais sniegs
Pārslas lido un saskrienas, tās dejo līdz dziest
Visuma elpu aizraujošā jēga
Ir īsos, skaistos mirkļos slēpta
Tu satver manu roku, un man kļūst silts
Redzu Tev matos simtiem sīkas zvaigznītes mirdz
Visuma elpu aizraujošā jēga
Ir īsos, skaistos mirkļos slēpta
(latviskā versija dziesmai “Season People”)
Parastā dienā kāds pretī nāk
Sīka sakritība uzrunā
Šķiet, visa pasaule mainīties sāk
Un drūmām dienām beigas ir klāt
Mostas dzīvības dzirksts, tā siltumu jūt
Smiekli rāmos viļņos plūst
Mēs dzimstam no jauna viņus satiekot
Mēs augam ik reizi viņus zaudējot
Vien uz gadalaiku viņi ir te
Un pēkšņi tie pazūd, kur bijis, kur ne
Sastrīdas, dodas projām vai mirst
To darbs ir galā, Tu esi dzīvs
Nevar otru pieslēgt važās sev klāt
Prieks par iespēju tikties lai ir spēcīgāks
Gadalaiku cilvēki iedvesmo un gaist
Ikvienam no mums par tādu būt ir savs laiks